In Search of MN Search Marketing Professionals

Minnesota SEO job demandI've been working in the search engine marketing industry in Minnesota for a few years now. During that time I've attended a number of conferences and marketing meetups in the Twin Cities. While I meet a wide variety of marketers and creative folks, running into another SEO profesional isn't that common. 

It might be that I'm not going to the right events, or it might be that there just aren't a ton of people in the Twin Cities SEO market. I'm not sure, but it can be frustrating. I'm contacted frequently by people looking for SEO services, and I always know of a good SEO agency position or in-house job opening. (In fact, at this very moment I know of two excellent opportunities for full-time positions). It bugs me that I often run out of people to recommend when these things come up.

Are you an established or aspiring SEO in the Twin Cities? Let's connect! You can contact me directly for more details if you're looking for an SEO job in the Twin Cities, or find me on LinkedIn (jlbraaten at if you'd simply like to add me to your network.