Hey Twin Cities: Need Some Google Analytics Help?

free google analytics helpWhat are your feelings towards Google Analytics, or web analytics in general? Does the mention of traffic reports leave you with anxiety or are you at home amidst your website's glorious data? As someone who believes strongly in the value of measuring web performance, it always surprises me that we're all not huge fans of web analytics. Then it occurred to me. Maybe people aren't fans because they don't know how to be. Maybe folks just need a little Google Analytics help to get them started?

One of my favorite things about online marketing is the ability to measure all of your efforts. Yet it surprises me how many website owners I run into don't have a tool like Google Analytics installed. Why would you not want to know what people thought about your articles? How could you not want to know what pages on your site contribute to sales and/or new clients? This must be stopped.

I'd like to coordinate a free gathering of some sort for those looking to learn more about Google Analytics in the Twin Cities. Maybe it'll be a meetup; maybe it'll be a full-on workshop; maybe we'll form a club. Who knows. The format will be picked based on the needs of those interested.

What would the perfect free Google Analytics help look like to you? If you'd be interested in attending such a gathering, fill out the brief questionnaire below. Also, be sure to leave a comment or tweet a link to this post with the hashtag #bpwga. Based on your answers, I'll see what I can put together to best meet the needs of those who respond.

If you live in the Twin Cities, here is your chance for some free Google Analytics help. Help me make it as useful as possible by passing this survey along to anyone you think might be interested.