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6 Reasons to Get Stoked for SearchLove New York

SearchLove New York SEO ConferenceGoing to industry conferences can be hit or miss. Some are just traps vendor set to trick you into sitting through sales pitches that somewhat resemble presentations. Distilled's SearchLove conference in New York City will be anything but a trick, despite taking place over Halloween. Here are six reasons I'm stoked to be going to one of the highest quality SEO conferences out there.

  1. The SEOMoz/Distilled Connection - I've been in search for a few years now, and cut my teeth in the industry thanks to blog posts, guides and Whiteboard Fridays by the likes of Will Critchlow, Tom Critchlow, and SEOMoz CEO and Co-Founder, Rand Fishkin. Seeing them all speak under one roof is going to be a real treat.
  2. Top-Notch Session Quality - Previous Distilled events have received top marks from attendees, with average ratings of speakers and presentations ranking impressively in the upper 80's and 90's. Close to 90% of previous Distilled conference-goers also assessed the subject matter as not being too simple or too advanced. SearchLove promises to be just right.
  3. All-Star Cast of Search Experts - As if the SEOMoz and Distilled crew wasn't enough to be impressed, SearchLove also boasts speakers such as Wil Reynolds, Michael Gray, and Rhea Drysdale. Every session promises to enlighten, educate and entertain.
  4. Time for Fun and Networking - After a day of great information, what will be better than engaging in conversations about the conference at the networking events planned for after each day's sessions? All hopped up on new SEO insights, search marketers will no doubt be taking over Manhattan come SearchLove!
  5. This Conference is Made in New York City - I worked and lived in NYC for about eight months back near the turn of the century and loved every minute of it. The City is amazing and I can't wait for the excitement of a premium search conference to meet the energy of one of the greatest cities in the world. 
  6. SearchLove's Reputation Precedes It - SearchLove New York is next week, but today marks the start of SearchLove London, which completely sold out. I'm taking this as a great sign that the folks in London know a great opportunity when they see it. I wouldn't be surprised if SearchLove New York was sold out by the time it starts next week as well.

If you're still on the fence, see here and here, then go book yourself a ticket. I hope you decide to go and that we have a chance to chat either at the conference or one of the great networking events. SearchLove New York promises to be an amazing chance to learn, connect and have fun with other search professionals.