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Answering Bloggers' Web Analytics Questions

Web Analytics answers for bloggersI run into people all the time that don't use web analytics tools like Google Analytics to measure their blogging efforts. To me, the idea seems absurd. If there was a way to let your audience tell you how to create a more engaging, richer experience for them, why wouldn't you? If there was a way to put you on a straighter path towards your version of success, why wouldn't you explore it?

Ask Anything About Blogging and Web Analytics

I strongly believe that most bloggers don't employ web analytics tools because they have too many questions about where to begin:

How do I install web analytics? Is there one tool that's better than the rest? Should I pay for web analytics? What should I be looking at? How do I make sense of it all? How do I translate what I see in these reports to the goals I set for my business?

Have you ever had these or other questions about web analytics for your blog? Well, you're in luck. On January 14th I'll be presenting about using Google Analytics for blogging at the Minnesota Blogger Conference's first Mini Conference at CoCo in St. Paul. I hope you can make it, but could also use your help to finalize the content for the presentation.

Right below this paragraph is a text box from FormSpring, the web-based conversation Q&A tool. Ask me a question, any question about web analytics and how to use it on your blog. If you didn't get a chance to nab one of the tickets before they evaporated, all the more reason to ask via FormSpring.

More Web Analytics for Bloggers

It's win-win. You get an answer to a burning web analytics question. I get fantastic insights on how to make my presentation rock. Help me create the best resource possible by submitting your question via the FormSpring form above or by leaving your question in the comments below.